Sept. 9, 2020 Meet Sarah Shealy - A Member of the Call Committee

The Navy brought my family to Coronado when I was in second grade and my dad retired here, so I was lucky to avoid all the typical Navy moves that my older siblings endured. Coronado is home to me! I was baptized at Christ Church when I was 21 years old and married here five years later. My husband, Don, and I were living in Boston at the time and relocated to Coronado in 1989. I started attending church regularly upon re-arriving and have been in the back left pew ever since!

Our two children—now fabulous college graduates—grew up in the church, doing plays and VBS and pilgrimage trips abroad. I taught Sunday School when they were young, but I didn’t really hit my Christ Church groove until joining our Service Ministry Team under the late, great David Hopkins. My passion for outreach has grown exponentially over the past fifteen years and it’s my greatest Christ Church joy to work with our fantastic, funny, dedicated Service Ministry Team on planning the outreach activities for our parish. We have the most generous congregation on the planet!

Now that our children have “launched,” Don and I have begun to travel internationally. We are obsessed with Italy. We’ve been three times and were sad to cancel our fourth trip scheduled for later this month. But we’re already planning for a 2021 adventure (back to Italy, of course!) once the pandemic is behind us.

Working on the Calling Committee has been incredibly rewarding for me. I was on the team that called Father Edward Harrison to Christ Church and it’s humbling and inspiring to be gifted with this great responsibility a second time. Everyone on this committee is so dedicated to our task. We listen to each other and support each other. I am grateful beyond measure to have the opportunity to get to know and serve alongside these wonderful people as we discern God’s call for the next rector of Christ Church