Location: 1208 Ninth Street, Coronado, CA (619) 435-9470
Shop Hours: Tuesday through Saturday - 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. for sales and donations.
*Please note - We cannot accept donations unless we are open.
The Thrift Shop has been serving the community since March 27, 1951. Its original location was 1114 Ninth Street, and it was formerly known as “The Opportunity Shop” or “Opp Shop” for short. Many of our longstanding customers and volunteers still refer to the Opp Shop. The store provides:
- Fellowship for its parishioner and non-parishioner volunteers
- A gathering place for its customers
- Recycling for its donors
- Gently used items for purchase at low cost
- Donation of clothing, toiletries, books and other items to philanthropic organizations
- Evangelical opportunities
50% of our revenue is donated to Christ Church ministries and 50% to local, national, and international outreach ministries that address issues involving the hungry, homeless, wounded, abused and/or displaced.
We carry everything from clothing, accessories, collectibles, home goods, books to the occasional small pieces of furniture and bicycles. We accept cash (no bills larger than $50) and for purchases of $10 or more we accept Visa, American Express or MasterCard credit cards.
We accept clean, gently used and/or working items ranging from clothing through small pieces of furniture and bicycles. When in doubt, please ask! Items we do not accept include computers, printers, DSL modems, car seats, cribs, and TV’s and furniture items that are large or very heavy. Each unusable item must be disposed of by the Thrift Shop at the expense of our charitable proceeds. When in doubt, please ask!
The Thrift Shop is proud to say that not just members of our parish are volunteers. About 25% of volunteers, 75% of merchandise donors, and 95% of customers are non-parishioners. Volunteering at the Thrift Shop is a wonderful opportunity to work with friendly people doing great things. If you're interested in volunteering, please complete the form available in the church office. The Thrift Shop has no paid workers; everyone including Thrift Shop Management gives freely of their time. The Management Team meets and restocks the shop Monday mornings.