June 15, 2021 A Prayer for Rest

The children of Christ Church made these beautiful Rest Prayer bottles during our program on the final Sunday of Children's Chapel. During that week's program we explored what it means to rest and the many ways in which we can allow our hearts to be quiet to make more room for God. 

Below are the instructions for the prayer bottles, and the prayer practice that was attached to them.


Small plastic bottles (we used these)

Colored glitter glue

Small mirrored glitter (or something similar)

small star sequins

small shells

small heart

small cross


Fill the bottles 2/3 full with warm water

Add 1 cross, 1 heart, 1/8 tsp mirrored tiles, 1/8 tsp stars, and 6 small shells.

Fill the container the rest of the way (all the way to the top) with colored glitter glue.

Use gorilla glue to secure the lid in place.

Shake the bottle to combine everything inside.

The prayer that goes with it is:

Dear God, When I look in this bottle I see lots of things. I see sparkles that remind me that Jesus is the Light of the world. I see tiny mirrors that remind me that I am made in your image. I see shells that remind me that when I was baptized I was marked as yours forever. I see a heart that reminds me to give thanks for all of my blessings. Most importantly, I see the cross, which reminds me that you loved me so much that you gave me Jesus, and through that love all things are possible.

  • (find the Cross) Where did I see God’s love today?
  • (find a palm leaf) What am I thankful for today?
  • (watch the mirrors) Where did I see God in myself today?
  • (see the sparkles) Where do I need to shine my light to help someone?
  • (find the shells) Say the Lord’s Prayer.
