Dec. 30, 2020 Continued Connection - A Letter from Mother Regan


“The Christmas story is full of journeys,

both physical and spiritual.

No one involved in the story of Incarnation is left

in the same place they started from.

God’s invitation waits for our response,

but never leaves us standing.”

                                                   –Dr. Gemma Simmonds, CJ


Indeed, we continue to be on a journey today, this 7th day of Christmas, this New Year’s Eve. We can feel the movement—the sensation of being on the cusp of something different: a new year, a new way through the pandemic, new ideas and ways of doing things coming to fruition.

In a sense, 2020 has acclimated us to be sojourners. As we have swerved and adjusted and reimagined everything more times than we can count, we have become more adaptable to change. We have become more resilient and more flexible, which in turn has made us more ready to respond to anything that comes our way. 

I invite you this New Year to turn your ready responsiveness fully to God—to engage the muscles of resiliency and adaptability that you built in 2020 to go deeper into God’s work for you, on you, and in you in 2021. Indeed, this is the redemptive part of our present journey. 

My very specific invitation in this work is to ask for your continued connection! I invite you to continue to show up for God and each other in every way you are able. As faithful Christians, we attend church not for “what church will do for us,” but for what we can do for the Body of Christ.

Due to the success of our Christmas Zoom services—which were wonderfully attended and delightful in every way—I am pleased to announce that we will be shifting to Zoom church services for a season. I am eager to see your faces and to chat and to pray with you live! Please continue to connect by joining us live for Morning Prayer at 10:00am on Sundays! 

If you would like some help learning Zoom or getting set up to Zoom, please reach out to me directly, and we will get you going—in these strange times, technical support is an important part of ministry! 

On January 6th, we have a special opportunity for continued connection as we celebrate The Epiphany! We will gather live on Zoom church at 5:00pm on January 6th to welcome the theophany—the appearance of God—through the Incarnation of the Word in Jesus Christ. The Epiphany marks the end of the Christmas season and ushers in a season of Light! And it provides us a wonderful reason to gather together this coming Wednesday night to begin our journey as Christ’s Light in the world this New Year. Indeed, The Epiphany feels particularly important this year as we are on the cusp of so much that is new and different—as we lean into using our newly developed adaptability for God’s glory.

And lastly this week, I invite you to consider committing to a six-week Living Compass series that I will be leading starting mid-January. The Living Compass program focuses on health and wholeness through Christ's healing power in community. 

The series will start with a self-assessment to see what section of your wellness compass presently needs Christ's love and attention before moving into a discernment of weekly, self-directed practices to attain your goals. Weekly discussions keep us accountable and provide the grace to unknot what is keeping us from Christ’s healing. It is personal and poignant, and it will be a wonderful journey for everyone who chooses to participate! 

The six small-group sessions will begin mid-January, and the day and time will be determined by the participants' collective schedule as it is important to commit to all six meeting times. If you are ready to shine with the Light of Christ this Epiphanytide, please RSVP to me directly by Thursday, January 7th.

These are just a few of God’s many invitations to you this New Year—invitations from God that come through others. Please know that I am praying for you as you discern how best to engage your 2020 resiliency in God’s mission in 2021!

Prayers and blessings to you this New Year’s Eve!

Mtr Regan+