Nov. 30, 2021 Stewardship Campaign


The word Stewardship has many synonyms, but the one that has resonated most with me is “care.” Like the year 2020, this past year has also been difficult, but it has been heartwarming to see our Christ Church family taking care to renew our connections with each other, strengthening our relationship with CCDS, and renewing our spiritual life in worship together. Our Annual Stewardship Campaign, Gifts of Renewal, will highlight all the ways in which we can renew our care by pledging to give to the church, through the means of our treasure, our talents, and our time.  
Your pledges provide the primary means by which Christ Church fulfills its mission to love and accept one another and serve our neighbors.  Among many things, we:
  • Joyfully support our wonderful Day School (the only one left in the Diocese!);
  • Have a thriving service ministry through which we support an orphanage in Tijuana, needy children in our area, and the homeless;
  • Have a wonderful, sacred, courtyard for services, a beautiful sanctuary (which we will re-enter when finally allowed), a dedicated altar guild, and soul-nurturing choir; 
  • And we are starting or reviving ministries to support those who are grieving, to aid military families in our area, and redress societal inequities - and most of all, fellowship with each other!
You, the members of this congregation, are “we.” Your pledge makes a difference by helping Christ Church care for others. But sadly, our pledges have been declining in recent years. The Stewardship Committee hopes that this year everyone will consider increasing their pledge by $19 a week so that we can continue the process of renewing our church and bringing it back to full life. 
Our pledge drive kicks off Sunday, October 31st when pledge cards will be available at the service. They will be available Sundays through November 28th and at the church office, and the Stewardship Campaign will run through December 1st. We are also pleased to offer an online form for your convenience when submitting your 2022 Pledge. 
As you make your pledge now or consider your intention to give this year, I ask that you think about how you have been renewed by our church family. How can you share your blessings to help continue and grow our many ministries? How will you renew your love of Christ Church?  This is the spirit behind our theme of Gifts of Renewal.  
In God’s peace,