Oct. 6, 2020 Prayers and Witnessing Peace and Justice

Prayers and Witnessing Peace and Justice get-togethers have been placed on a temporary hold. Please raise your thoughts and prayers in solidarity for racial justice, peace, non-violence in our nation, and integrity. 


God of healthy disagreements, God of principled stands: we need not have the same mind to sit around the same table. We need not share precise beliefs to fit within a home. We need not speak the same dialect to be part of a loving family. And we need not see the world the same to know it’s big enough for all. As we hold firm to what we know is right, may we honor the ground where others stand, so that more of the earth, and more of our imagination, may be hallowed in your name. Amen

 Please contact Deacon Tom Morelli at deacontom@christchurchcoronado.org(619-838-3218) with interest or questions