Dec. 28, 2017 Be Our Guest!

Among the many functions that our ushers provide the act of hospitality is the best description for them all. Ushers greet everyone who crosses the threshold and hand out service leaflets and direct folks to the children’s activity bags, nursery, Sunday School, the restrooms and Hinde Hall. They are available as guides to available seating putting out more chairs when needed. They offer cough drops and tissues and water and assure those unable to come forward for communion that the sacrament will be brought to them.

Hospitality derives from an ancient root word meaning “guest” or “stranger” and of course Jesus valued hospitality so much that he reminded his followers that a “welcome to the least of these” was as if He himself was welcomed. It is difficult to overstate how vital this ministry is here at Christ Church.

In this new year we welcome some new members to our dedicated usher team. Seasoned and new ushers are invited to join Charlette Preslar, who serves as our 10 AM verger and the clergy on Sunday morning, January 14 at 9:00 AM in the church for forty-five minutes of usher orientation.  The wisdom of those who have served as ushers before and the fresh insights of newer members are most especially requested!

Please contact Charlette, if you would like more information.