Feb. 5, 2019 2019 Vestry Nominees
Bill Cook
On December 1, 2018, I retired from SDG&E after 42 years of service as an electrical engineer, so I feel that I now have time to devote to service on the vestry. We first came to Christ Church in 2000 and were warmly welcomed by the parish, which encouraged us to continue and to participate. We normally attend the 10:00 service. I would invite people to come to Christ Church to enjoy the fellowship of a welcoming community, and enjoy the high, varied skill sets among our parishioners. In my service on the vestry, I look forward to learning more about the operation of the church, and ultimately providing positive input to help our church community thrive.
Pat Escher
I’ve been a member of Christ Church since my husband John and I moved to Coronado in 2017, but as a Navy “brat” I have a lifelong connection to both the church and the town. John and I moved here from Tucson, where we had our careers (he was a lawyer and I was a judge) and raised our three children. We were long time members of St. Alban’s, and I had the privilege of serving on the Vestry there as well as many other ministries. We attend 10:00 AM services, and I currently serve as a lector and a member of the Service Ministries Committee. I am honored to be considered for the Vestry here. This congregation does such an amazing job of living Jesus’ admonition to us to love God and to love our
neighbors. I am constantly amazed at how we each use our gifts to let God’s light shine in the world. I believe that this is what calls others to our church, and as a member of the Vestry I would hope to support that continued outreach to our community and the world
Todd Little
I have my wife, Katy Bennett, to thank for introducing me to Christ Church in 2007, the year we married. My attendance, while never perfect, became more consistent following the birth of our first child in 2010. We typically attend the 10am service.
When I was first asked about the vestry, I wondered what I had to offer. I was told the vestry could always use someone with a young family for perspective on youth programs and Christ Church Day School. That, I can do.
Besides being a father of three children, my professional background was of interest to the Nominating Committee. Briefly, my career has encompassed multiple industries including broadcasting, not-for-profit organizations, destination marketing and government.
Before agreeing to be considered for the vestry, I asked myself what I liked best about Christ Church. I applaud the fact that, in my experience, the church welcomes people from all walks of life and there’s something for everyone (such as yoga, Sunday Supper and outreach beyond the bridge.) The church doesn’t judge how often you attend, how noisy your kids are or how much you tithe. The sermons are relevant, and the messages resonate long after being delivered.
It’s flattering when someone asks you to join a committee, board or club. Ego aside, I enjoy problem-solving and hope to draw from my business background to offer insight and build consensus. Mostly, I want to be an objective resource for the leadership team. Selfishly, there’s a great deal I can learn from the operation of the church, insight I can apply to my current position of Executive Director of Discover Coronado.
Bryn Reina
I began attending Christ Church in 2011 after moving to Coronado with my husband, Tony, and boys Peter (12) and Zach (14.) I retired from the Navy in September 2017 after 25 years. In 2011, Zach and Peter started school at CCDS which led the Reinas to the10:00 service at Christ Church. Bryn was raised in Protestant churches. Tony was raised in the Catholic church. We agree that God is God no matter what denomination and the basic teachings of Christianity are what is important. The Episcopal church has been a good fit for the Reina family who immediately felt at home at Christ Church. It is a wonderful, family-oriented church with a loving community and great outreach. Everyone is very welcoming and makes you feel right at home. If someone wanted to see an example of God’s Love, Bryn would tell them to look at the community that makes up Christ Church. I look forward to serving on the vestry, trying to give merely a small portion back of what I receive from being part of Christ Church.
Ellenjoy Weber
I have lived in Coronado and attended Christ Church for 31 years. I came to Coronado to be the Children's Librarian at the Coronado Library and retired from there one year ago. Music is very important to me and I have sung in the Christ Church Choir since I first moved here. I am originally from Northern California and I grew up in Lodi, near Sacramento. Becoming a member of the Order of the Daughters of the King 20 years ago has been a major factor as in my Christian life. This group of women prayer warriors are a source of strength and growth that I greatly cherish. Since I retired I have become more involved at Christ Church, working as a volunteer Librarian for CCDS and helping out in the thrift store. I served on the vestry in the past and found it to be a rewarding experience and I would be pleased to serve again.