Sept. 17, 2018 Joining God at Work in the World

Who doesn’t love receiving an invitation?  Of course knowing more about the event might make a difference in how we respond. A few years ago for instance, party givers sometimes placed confetti in an envelope so that when the recipient opened it a cascade of colorful paper bits fluttered to the floor. A concept the more fastidious guest could find annoying. I however, relished the mess sensing someone really requested my presence enough to add a little extra “oomph”.

I sometimes wonder about all the ways Almighty God invites us to welcome the presence of the Holy One into our messy midst. “Bidden or unbidden, God is present” Carl Jung famously quoted. God the Host and God the Guest Supreme.

And even beyond that all the ways God invites us to join God at work in the world. We are called to respond with our hearts and hands; to RSVP to our gracious and loving God with our time and talent and treasure.

This year’s stewardship theme,Our Invitation-Joining God at Work in the World invites us to do just that and I invite you to RSVP!
